March 16, 2009

My experiments with classes

Well I thought : " There are seven courses this semester. Is it possible to walk away with good marks in all without struggling like mad. Maybe do well in one or two courses without trying too hard. "
It was sounding sane enough till then. But:
" Maybe this is what efficiency is all about. Get good grades without having to work too hard or maybe ... maybe without attending the classes!
Yes! That's it! Hooray!
Just study on your own like a natural scientist. "

In taking decisions like these people usually try to rope in somebody or at least ask their opinion. But I was sure that it will be fine." Maybe I'll try it for only one test and see how it goes. "

Obviously, the test flopped! And things seemed worse for the quiz that followed in a fortnight. Still adamant I stayed away from the classes and lo! quiz also approached without me attending any classes. The quiz wasn't very good either, so I decided to suspend my stupid experiment and here are the conlcusions:
  • Never miss classes
  • Even if you miss, write down the notes the very same day
  • Write notes neatly and understand before writing so that you will be clear
  • Take the textbooks to the class, especially if it is problem - solving day :)
  • Pay attention
" Die but attend classes :P "

So, I ve learnt my lesson. If you are still not convinced you can repeat the experiment again and add a few more points to the list!

Pssst .. Funny , right? Funny because all of these things are known to us or at least we are taught when we were kindergarten kids. We knew every single do and don't. Just did not appreciate them or the pint needs to be driven into head.
Maybe because it will be helpful in the future :) .
Maybe we are to realize and learn its importance. Only after we commit silly experiments and look back do we know.
Another striking piece of evidence which suggests that life indeed lies in the small things.

March 7, 2009

Old Bank Setting

Among the other things that give Pilani a place in the Schaum's peculiar towns of the world list, a must see is the SBBJ- Slow Banking from Babloo & Joker.

Name : Babloo
Age : 50 + ( the time when adventures start happening in Pilani vasis. )
Education : 14 yrs schooling, 4 years makhaan mein kaam, ( Delhi-6 )
Since then : at humbling Pilani
Hobbies : latest ( 1990's ) songs from the market will always be on his mind, coming in time to office, handing over withdrawl sheets to waiting customers at snail pace, speaking as slowly on the phone as possible, etc.
Latest crush : Songs by Rahman : he will ask every soul on campus to send them by bluetooth. " uske liye balance nahi lagta.. "
Mode of transport : Usually phatphatiya, or his hyabooza

Naam : Joker, aa, joker!
Age : Little younger than babloo
Hobbies : To be more updated than Babloo :P
Headline : I take my own time
Favourite dialogue : " ek minut rookiyey "
Arrival : Minimum half an hour late.
( Note : Does not talk very much )

Waiting at the bank

Some of the nuances that come with not having an ATM card is waiting in a long queue at the bank. Its very far from being fun or funny, even if Babloo kept you entertained with silly jokes.
All of a sudden I had the feeling that maybe this was just a old hindi drama show that runs everyday for screening on doordarshan. Suddenly a phone call, tring tring , I was sure it was the boss saying he was ill and the serial would end saying to be continued...

Scene 3 : (
Enter Joker )
Finally, he arrives and is immediately served a glass of water. I guessed if this tradition were to break Babloo would lose his job. Before seating himself he prays to the Lord and only then starts off with the customers.

On the one side there is the world hit by recession; people jobless and stressed out completely.
" When the tough gets going, the going gets tougher "

In India, there is this youth full of energy. It seems while sleeping they keep muttering, start-ups... I'm the next big thing. There are people who are frustrated and angry and confused.

And what do we have here... a hindi drama produced by a bank manager and his assistant...

It feels so strange that life can be so simple at times.
Maybe it should be.
Maybe India is not in the cities but its beautiful villages.

Maybe one day we all will realise that life lies not just in big achievements
but also the smallest of joys make it worth living.

March 3, 2009

A dream to remember

The light was about to fade. Nick was sitting on the pavement a little away from the trees lest birds would mistake his hair for the mud and happily leave droppings. He wasn't waiting for anyone, quite contrary to what the air of impatience around him suggested.

His thoughts swirling like smoke were slowly turning into anger. Hatred that was no never so extreme, a feeling of emptiness; a feeling that days to come are going to be bad, aaaargghh, he was not able to bear it anymore.

He got up and walked briskly. Slowly he wandered about to the temple, not because he was a pious priest but to avoid people. On the way he thought why things were the way they were.
" I am feeling lost and finding myself all over again. But why should I find myself only after I am lost? Why am I not stirred to perform unless something shakes me up thoroughly?
I need to find the answer, the key to my salvation. I need help, lots of it.

He felt a little better after praying. He started thinking that maybe the future will be more promising, rather will keep up to its promises. The hope, the will, the faith. These alone make things happen. And of course, God's blessings : default.

Nick woke up and he realized he was dreaming all along. He felt so cheery, he decided he will go to the temple without fail. Before leaving he scribbled on the wall chart:

" Prayer makes you see things differently and calms your nerves "

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