April 23, 2009

Lab Test

Many of the seniors had told me that a day's preparation would suffice for the lab test(EEE). It was true since the basic connection in all the experiments were very nearly the same. So, after having prepared a full night I headed for the lab test. 

When we entered we saw that there were a lot of empty sheets kept on the table. Now, the experiment that each person would do will be decided by which sheet they would pick up. Fortunately, I choose to pick up a very easy one. (Potential across R-L and R-C circuits :P) 

Although, it was something that could be completed in half an hour, I took that time to make my connections! I gave it over to the instructor to evaluate. He saw the connections, shook his head and said something like 'zero'. My heart stopped beating, my head went numb and I was feeling dumb. He swapped one connection and then asked me to show the circuit diagram. 

I thought that I had got the circuit diagram wrong. And I told sir that I had got confused and to excuse me since there was only one mistake. In the marks column, he scribbled " - 0.5 ". Grr, what a psycho I thought. Just the one connection wrong : 0 marks and 0.5 deducted for my conduct. Grrr. 

First I felt angry and then I was devastated. To think that after two months of experiments, I did not know how to put the routine connections properly. Aaah! It was too much to bear. I felt so low and there were some fifteen minutes to take the readings now. Trying, extremely hard to concentrate I managed the correct readings. 

Or so I thought I got them correct. One of the readings was wrong, I did not touch the terminals properly with the volmeter wires. Grrr. 

Hurriedly (in a minute or so) I finished the graph. Then I filled the tables and scribbled a few preacautions all the while wondering how the viva-voce will be.

The viva was a compensation for all the screwed up stuff that had happened until then. It went really well :). After getting the two out of three questions correct, he asked two leading qustions and I answered them around the bush, taking my time :). All in all, I managed a 8.5 / 10.

Since not many had scored more than 7, I requested sir to increase a few marks for the conncetions and that -0.5 was disturbing. He laughed his head off and told me that 0.5 marks have been deducted, phew. I felt sorry for thinking the lab assistant was a heartless psycho and went to pack my stuff. I gave a final look around the room, the last day was so eventful even if the daily experiments weren't. 
Room number 2119,  bye bye. 

April 10, 2009

April Dates

I have a habit of remembering certain dates and these are the ones that April reminds me of. 

April 10th, 2005: My entrance exam for a coaching centre that had a good reputation

April 19th, 2005: The results of that exam. I got selected :D.
April 19th, 2006: My intermediate first year ( equivalent to class XIth ) results. Scored 96%.

April 8th, 2007: IIT-JEE '07

Although there were some tests at college too on these dates , they were sort of routine hence I remember only a few of them. 

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