April 25, 2012

Getting Things Done

Some of the the important things in life like

  • dreaming
  • enjoying nature
  • spreading happiness
categorize as critical skills. Whereas when we talk about
  • dreaming big
  • enjoying life to the fullest
  • achievement and success
delivery skills are more important. 

Doing things. 

Somehow, somewhere, I lost track of delivering things and started prolonging many of them which ended up in avoidable failures. Be it the assignments, report requested within an hour or a utility to be delivered in a week but yet-to-deployed even after a month. 


Distraction. Digression. Deliberation. And finally, Frustration. So much of it that I had to give up some things to lessen the heaviness on the head. Be it an undelivered college magazine, re-applying for an ATM card, many a missed grade in courses. Sheesh! That was so painful. Obviously, the best thing to do was to get rid of the extra weight and focus on a few things and that I did. But, I was sure these things would come back and come they have, with a lot of guilt. 

Doing things, not just what you are doing today or tomorrow, but also finishing what you were meant to yesterday or the day before that. 


In the first month at gym I ran with a motivation that with each passing day I was getting closer to  understand the problems which were stopping me from finishing what I had to do. 
  1. Believing that I wasn't ready
  2. Using a comprehensive/complicated approach

Doing things, not just from past, present and future but also on a learn-as-you-do basis and by breaking it down into simpler tasks. 


There are so many people to learn from, so many resources, how do you go ahead with improving yourself or growing? Simple! Understand how your friends do it, how the people at work do it and how the best in the field do it. Option 3 has always been my choice but one has to concentrate on the immediate circles first; rather than penetrating from the outside expand from the inside. 

Doing things, from past, present and future on a learn-as-you-do basis not just by breaking it down into simpler tasks but by observing how the others around you do it or from the best in the field. 

I like this sort of incremental approach towards things, keeps your head always ticking. Oh and by the way, I am not afraid anymore. 

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