Well when there are over 75 posts, spread over 4-5 years and you look back at some of the stuff, you know a bit of it has to go. I'm both my best and worst critic. So who better to clean up the text and categorize it better and branch out a better.
And leave this blog open for the general ramblings so that whenever there's introspection, retrospection and any sort of inspection I have a ready place to look for it.
- So I'm planning to move my movies/music stuff here: http://mast--kalandar.blogspot.in/
- Any serious learning stuff here: http://cognitivemanager.blogspot.in/
- And techie stuff here: http://abstrusetechie.blogspot.in/
And leave this blog open for the general ramblings so that whenever there's introspection, retrospection and any sort of inspection I have a ready place to look for it.
Well as Vineet was once asked
"is the chowkidar the only one person in Pilani not to have 4-5 blogs?" :D
"is the chowkidar the only one person in Pilani not to have 4-5 blogs?" :D